I love when Dungy loses. Although he is a great guy, unless you live in Tampa area, you have no idea what it's like hearing "certain" people and individuals cry, complain, and criticize Gruden and the rest of Tampa management every single time something bad goes wrong with the team and say things like
"If they wouldn't of gotten rid of Dungy things would be ok" ......."They shouldn't of gotten rid of Dungy, this is his team"......etc. etc. etc........ But the best one of all is "Gruden and the Bucs wouldn't of won the Super Bowl if it weren't for Dungy"....... There is some small truth to that, but Rich McKay had a huge hand in building the Bucs and that statement is actually just the opposite, because Tampa wouldn't of won the Super Bowl if Gruden hadn't of entered and Dungy stayed......